Hello, world!

Posted on Apr 2, 2023
tl;dr: Just introducing myself

Welcome to my blogging space on the internet.

I’ve just decided to start this up, and I’m not really sure what I am going to post here. The intention is for a bit of a combination of technical discussion and tutorials from the stuff I have done at work and in my own time, and as a personal development log for all of my personal game projects. In particular, I want to post any art assets that I am working on here so that I can keep track of them and keep myself honest.

Particularly, I’ve got the fact that I use some libraries at work that are little used, and I have become somewhat of a domain expert on some of these. In particular, I have become very well versed with the OpenCascade CAD library at work? Even to the point where I have needed to dig through the sources of the library quite frequently. I have gotten very accustomed to the interesting and strange way that library works (arrays starting at 1, anyone?)

I also have a lot of personal game projects and video projects. Since I have sank into full time work, these have become far less frequent, however I do want to make sure that when I have that inspiration or that research it actually is being put out into the world, consistently and with a relatively small filter.

In particular, that brings me to what I would call the ’thesis statement’ of this introductory post; I don’t really care whether anybody reads this blog or not. I guess it is a personal journal that is exposed to the public, and the hope is that someone, somewhere will find something in it useful rather than it being nestled away quietly in the folds and pockets of my own mind. I think this is the best pursuit of a blog, just putting ideas out there. The idea of creating a blog with the intention of (meanwhile praying, hoping) it being discovered is a fools errand. If my posts resonate with an audience, that isn’t actually up to me.

Anyway, here it is. Take what you will from this blog and hopefully have fun!